Vocational Assessments

Vocational Assessments can Identify Your Work Options

Comp Assist Rehab Vocational Assessments have been specifically designed to identify work options which meet the criteria of suitable employment in line with demonstrated functional capacity.  These vocational assessments also provide extensive labour market research to determine roles which are available to injured persons in their local labour market in line with their transferrable skills, age and qualification. Vocational assessments offer a perfect opportunity to find career paths close to you which not only meet your functional capacity, but align with your skills and interests.

Find Current Jobs with Openings

Labour Market Research also includes contacting real currently advertised jobs that exist consistent with the worker’s functional and vocational capacity including through employer contacts; and the amount the person is able to earn in each suitable work option. Each work option found during a vocational assessment is tailored to the clients requirements. At Compensation Assistance Services we aim to provide not just vocation options which the client can live with, but options that allow them to truly thrive within the workplace. With each vocational assessment we provide you not just a singular career path option, but a multitude with relevant information and analysis to help you make a decision. Finding work after experiencing an injury or reduction in capacity can be a daunting and difficult task, but it doesn’t need to be. Compensation Assistance Services is here to help and get you back into the workforce doing something that meets your skills. In conjunction with our vocational assessments, see our workplace assessments.

Labour Market Research with Actionable Analysis

Our Vocational Assessments aim to not just provide you with a list of applicable vocations, but give you data and analysis which can help you apply to, and acquire the career path you want. With our insightful exploration of the labour market by our quality researchers we know not just what career paths are applicable for your skillset, but are actively seeking new recruits.

Contact Compensation Assistance Services today for your Vocational Assessment.

Vocational Assessments - Assessments of Vocations - Vocational Assessment


Compensation Assistance Services (CAS) and Comp Assist Rehab is an integrated solutions provider. We have a proven track record in providing a range of services including medicolegal opinions, injury management, return to work services, specialised claims services and pre employment medicals. Additionally, we provide assessments including functional assessments, ADL assessments, vocational assessments, employability assessments and earning capacity assessments.